I must say that I'm not a woman who will go down in history for my wisdom and wit. I've never fought for a front seat on the bus. I didn't survive the Holocaust. And I've always had all 5 senses- sharp as a whip. Not to undermine the lives of Rosa, Anne or Helen, but I need to reference their stories in order to depict just how ordinary my own life is.
I sometimes even compare myself to more modern women whose stories might have a little more substance than my own. I don't have multiple sets of multiples. My family isn't oversized- mind you that's in regards to both number of children and body mass. And for that matter, my family isn't undersized either- I measure in at a whopping 5' 4".
Keeping to the subject of body size, let me just mention that I'm not an 105 pound, surgically altered party girl. I'm most certainly not living a life where money falls out of the sky and close to perfect men seem to roll into my apartment like rushing water flooding down the Hollywood Hills (Sometimes I wish that was me).
And furthermore, I didn't get pregnant at 16, and when I did get pregnant I had signs, symptoms, and the good old tell tale weight gain. The "I didn't know I was pregnant" exclamation didn't fit with my experience.
I have no addictions, at least none severe enough to need intervention. No chronic physical or mental illness, either. I don't have an extra limb, or a tree growing out of my head (or leg? whatever..), or parents who I was separated from at birth.
Nope. I have none of the above.
In the words of Shaggy, "It wasn't me."
So like I said- perhaps my life isn't very blog-worthy. But, there's a piece of me that feels like the stories of every day life can sometimes be the most compelling. Something about simplicity is more appealing than the complications that come along with being extraordinary. So ladies and gentlemen- this blog is the story of me, Alice, and my ever so ordinary life.