Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A not so brief introduction

So last week I thoroughly explained who I am not. After ruling out the possibility of my life even closely resembling that of a reality TV star, you're probably still a bit curious to find out who I actually am. So here's
my humble attempt to shed a little more light on my ordinary life.

I live in the northeastern region of Vermont- a little dot on a state road map known as the Village of Orleans. Someone is yet to explain the difference between a village and a town to me, but I've come to the assumption that it has something to do with municipality, or lack thereof. So assume what you will about the Village of Orleans.

At the intersection of School and Liberty Street in the village of Orleans, sits an 100 year old 3 bedroom white house on a half acre plot of land. That's my house.

Posted on the front porch window is a white-trash like BEWARE OF DOG sign in bright orange letters, referring to a medium sized beagle who's harmless but barks at a floating leaf at any given moment throughout the day. That's my dog. His name is Sebastian, and despite the barking phycho he is, we still love him at the end of the day. Even if he takes up 70% of my sleeping space in bed at night, and chews up anything in the vast vicinity of his reach, there's a special place in my heart for him. After all, he was my first baby.

Well, my first baby until I had my first real baby- you know, the non-canine type that you carry in the womb for 9 months(well more like 10) and push out the chute. That's Avery, my little 8 month old bundle of joy who I never imagined could possibly get into more trouble than my dog. I can set 100 toys in front of him and he'll go after the 1 thing that isn't a toy- usually something like a chord or a small piece of paper. So my child who is mainly interested in things that could possibly strangle or choke him keeps me really busy all of the time.

I find it so ironic when people say, "oh you must be so happy now that you have a baby".

In reality, the baby has you.

I think it's safe to say that becoming a mom is a humbling experience for most first-timers out there. People talk about it all the time, they try to warn first time moms about how much work it will be. But the real truth is, nothing can really prepare you. No experience in life can emulate just how consuming a baby is, because there's just really nothing out there that compares to it.

One thing I've noticed is that people rarely mention that amidst all the sleepless nights, messy diapers, and crying spells, that you'll love it. Becoming a mom is the most overwhelming thing I've ever been through, but there's absolutely nothing I love more. It's hard to explain, the love that I have for my child. The only clear statement I can really make, is that I finally understand how much my own parents love me. All the moms out there know exactly what I mean.

So I could go on and on about babies, love, motherhood and how it's changed me as a person, but that's a whole different blog that I'll save for a whole different day. Because believe it or not, I'm more than just a mother! (I remind myself of that constantly, just so you know).

I'm also a counselor by career. I work at 2 different local elementary schools, and when I'm not doing that I'm in graduate school trying to learn how to be a better counselor. You won't hear many people say this, but I actually really like my career and my profession. It fascinates me, the insight that most young children (or older children) have into their own lives. I always have told myself that someday when I have more time (which I've now concluded will be never) I will write a book about their stories.

I guess I like working with kids because they're more open and forgiving, and far less quick to judge themselves, or others for that matter. Perhaps they're yet to be shaped and hardened by the challenges and reality of life in its increasing years. But something about that lack of wisdom, and the magical thinking that comes along with being a child brings me back to a state of mind where I'd like to remain forever. I often have to remind myself that unfortunately, I've become an adult.

So counselor by career and mom by life I suppose. Oh and by the way did I mention that I'm also a single mom? I never considered myself one, but the Federal Government and the Department of Health do. So does the local school system and its administrators. Once again, that topic is a whole other blog in itself.

I have a wonderful boyfriend, and only because I hate the word Fiance--- let me just say that if it ain't the English language it's too sophisticated of a term. And to answer the ever so common question: Yes, we were engaged before I got pregnant, and No, we're not getting married just because I had a baby out of wed-lock. But we are indeed getting married- August 7th to be exact! Planning my wedding is another project that I've been enjoying lately!

Oh and I should also mention that his name is Josh and that I love him to pieces. It doesn't always seem like we love each other, but we do!

So that's me. Oh and I have a cat too, his name is Angel (to the left). I named him that because for the first year we had him we thought he was a girl. Angel's a better name for a girl, but it still fits.

Okay, so that's me. Well, at least a brief (or I guess not so brief) introduction.

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